Agenda: | Meeting Agenda:
- Adopt minutes
- First review of Spring Town Meeting Warrant
- Set spring meeting schedule
- Any other unanticipated business brought before the Advisory Committee
Alternative public access to this meeting shall be made utilizing the Zoom virtual meeting software for remote access. This software will allow users to view the meeting and send a comment or question to the Chair via the “Raise your Hand” function. The Meeting will be recorded for future rebroadcast by Norfolk Community Television.
*PLEASE NOTE: To attend this meeting remotely, please sign in using your first and last name. If you wish to ask a question or provide comment, please use the “Raise Hand” feature available when you click on your name.
Topic: AdvisoryBoard ZoomAcct's Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 1, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 886 1482 8817
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