Agenda: | Southampton Park Commission Agenda
for June 16, 2022, at 6:00pm
at Conant Park Pavilion, weather permitting
(otherwise, meeting will be held at Town Hall, break room )
• Attendance:
• Review of Minutes of Meeting for November 10, 2021 & May 12, 2022
• Pay Bills: Eversource $30.00 to be paid on 6/16/2022
Southampton Water $63.00 & $70.52 to be paid on 6/16/2022
H M Nunes & Sons Construction, Inc. $17,980.00 to be paid on 6/16/2022
Paula Maak – Stamps $58.00 to be paid on 6/16/2022
• Old Business:
1. New signs for Crossroads Park, Labrie Field and Conant Park, highway department to install them as soon possible.
2. Continue discussion of PARC grant, design & cost for ADA accessible path at Conant Park & splash pad at Labrie Field.
3. Pickleball Courts, update on work performed to date. Approved Pickleball banner & sign for grand opening day.
4. Angel statue at Crossroads Park ongoing project. Have check for 2 more names. Prepare plans for additional pavers & walkway.
5. Conant Park and Labrie Field, field use applications and payments. Revise Playing Field and Facility Permit Policy & user fees. Approved 2022 applications from SYAA spring & fall Little League Baseball and adult baseball league on Tuesday evenings at 6pm.
6. Labrie Field House continue discussion with Bill Canon on construction of field house foundation, septic system, & concrete pads. Irrigation System (install well) and Field Repairs. Additional needs are a parking rail fence, bulletin board & benches and other improvements.
7. Master Plan Implementation Committee, Open Space & Recreational Committee, update from Paula or Dan.
8. New Playground Equipment at Conant Park, request CPA monies for new project. Bill Canon has agreed to prepare plans at no cost to the Town.
9. Discussion on repairs to tennis courts & source of funding.
• New Business:
1. Funding for painting of bathrooms at Conant Park Pavilion.
Open Time for the Public.
• Next meeting date: |