Information for Meeting of Water Commissioners
Friday July 22, 2022 4:00 PM EDT

Town:Orange, MA 
Board:Water Commissioners
Time:Friday July 22, 2022 4:00 PM EDT
Location:Water Dept.
16 West Myrtle St.
Water Dept. Office
* Open Meeting
* Public Hearing: In accordance with Ch.40A, Sec.11 of Mass. General Laws, the Orange Water Department Board of Water Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing at the Water Department Office at 16 West Myrtle Street, Orange, Massachusetts on July 22, 2022 beginning at 4:00pm to present and discuss proposed updates to its Rates & Fees Schedule to cover projected increases in materials & services, along with expenses related to replacement of aging infrastructure in conjunction with our Capital Improvement Plan. The proposed schedule includes the equivalent of a $2 addition to the quarterly basic service fee for the majority of customers & a 5% increase in water rates, increasing the cost from just under 51% of 1 Penny to just over 53% of 1 Penny/gallon for the main system, & from 79.6% to 83.6% of 1 Penny/gallon in Tully. The projected increase in a typical bill due to these changes is $40 per year, or $3.33 per month for the majority of customers. OWD works hard to keep water rates & fees as low as possible & has not had an increase since 2015.
Copies of this Notice has been published in the Athol Daily Newspaper on July 7th and 15th, has been electronically posted at, and on exterior bulletin boards at both the Town Hall and the Water Department office. There will be time for public questions/comments following the presentation, and prior to the Board vote on acceptance of the proposed changes.
* Public Hearing Adjournment
* Minutes
* Bills/Payments
* Contracts
* Superintendents Update
* Visitors
* Adjourn
This is a listing of matters reasonably anticipated by the Chair, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items may in fact be discussed, and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
Scheduled By:the automatic scheduling system
Posted At:Jun 14, 2022 6:00 AM EDT
Last Modified:Jul 19, 2022 6:33 AM EDT
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Meeting Revision History

Jul 05, 2022 2:41 PM EDTTime Details...
Jul 19, 2022 6:33 AM EDTAgenda Details...