Agenda: | Topic: Senior Center Adhoc Feasibility Committee
Time: February 23, 2023, 12:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 843 9107 1643
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Meeting ID: 843 9107 1643
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1. Call meeting to order
2. Open time for Public Comment
3. Provide input for March 1, 2023 Community info presentation with Abacus
4. Review additional input from engineers and potential impact on site choices; updated report from Langan Engineering (when will we receive more information?)
5. Review updated plans
6. Discuss relative merits of sites and decision making process; confirm the recommended land size for a 12,500 sf senior center;
7. To Do for Abacus (from their timeline):
- Review draft report (to be sent four days prior to meeting
- Resolve Outstanding Issues
- Review anticipated costs
8. Discuss date for Select Board presentation by Abacus and Committee
9 Any other discussion that cannot wait until the next meeting
10. Schedule next meeting and adjourn |