Topic: Senior Center Adhoc Feasibility Committee
01.12.23 at Noon
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 9107 1643
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Call meeting to order
Approval of minutes from 12.15.22
Open time for public comment
Abacus to give report on discussions of Abacus' questions submitted and discussed with property owners;
Committee to comment on Abacus report
Any other further discussion of properties including the additional property on Clark;
Determine outreach by Select Board on additional property;
thoughts/comments on Barnes Aquifer
Review updated Center layout
Discuss updated presentation, timeline and any new info from Civil Engineers
Survey results
Set day and time for public input session in Feb/March
Any item that cannot wait until the next meeting
Schedule next meeting and adjourn