Information for Meeting of Park Commission
Wednesday November 29, 2023 6:00 PM EST

Town:Southampton, MA 
Board:Park Commission
Time:Wednesday November 29, 2023 6:00 PM EST
Location:Town Hall
210 College Hwy
1st floor Breakroom
I.	Call to Order: Dylan Mawdsley, Chair
a.	Members Present: 
II.	Routine Matters: 
a.	Public Comment 
b.	Correspondence 
c.	Approval of the minutes 
d.	Committee Reports:
i.	Open Space
ii.	Master Plan Implementation
III.	Budget 
a.	Bills:
b.	Warrants:
i.	Magic for Maddie playground
c.	FY24 update 
d.	FY25 planning
i.	Capital requests.
IV.	New Business 
a.	Restructuring of Town Departments
b.	Improvements to existing facilities
c.	Discussion of new facilities
d.	Other
V.	Ongoing Business 
a.	Field use application and payments 
i.	Conant Park 
ii.	Labrie Field 
b.	Conant Park 
i.	Master Plan 
ii.	Pavilion rentals 
iii.	Fountain
iv.	Pickleball/basketball/tennis courts
c.	Magic for Maddie Playground at Labrie field 
d.	Other
VI.	Adjourn 
a.	Set next meeting
Scheduled By:Dylan Mawdsley
Posted At:Nov 27, 2023 12:06 PM EST
Last Modified:Nov 27, 2023 12:06 PM EST
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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