Town: | Norfolk, MA |
Board: | Planning Board |
Time: | Tuesday February 11, 2025 7:00 PM EST |
Location: | Room 124 1 Liberty Lane Town Hall Room 124 |
Agenda: | Town of Norfolk Planning Board Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025 Agenda 7:00 PM- Town Hall Meeting Room 124 In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 30A, Section 20, notice is hereby given that the Planning Board will meet on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., in Town Hall Meeting Room 124. Members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person at One Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA or by the remote zoom connection provided. Please note that the in-person meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the remote connection. Zoom Meeting Link: Zoom Meeting Call-In: 1-929-205-6099 (Meeting ID 844 7404 6211) Alternative to Zoom - NCTV live stream of all Town meetings on their YouTube Channel Link: PUBLIC HEARINGS: • 7:00 p.m. – Public Hearing to discuss proposed zoning bylaw amendments related to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) for the 5/14/25 Annual Town Meeting (cont’d from 1/27/25): 1. To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language Section 310-2.1 Definitions in alphabetical order. 2. To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language Section 310-6.15 Accessory dwelling units. 3. To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print to Section 310-4.2 Schedule of Use Regulations Attachment 1. APPOINTMENTS: • 7:15 p.m. - Norway Farms Subdivision/Rob Cain- Request for subdivision modification to eliminate the sidewalk from Norway Farms Drive to Cress Brook Road. NEW BUSINESS: • Review & approve 1/21/25 & 1/27/25 meeting minutes • Street Acceptance for 5/14/25 Annual Town Meeting-Macarthur Avenue & Avery Way • Vote to pull Bristol Pond Estates bond in the amount of $40,928.13 for completion of subdivision. • Discuss and vote to place on 5/14/25 Annual Town Meeting warrant proposed zoning bylaw amendments. Public hearing on 3/11/25: • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: 1. To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language Section 310-6.7(I). 2. To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print and delete the following strikethrough language to Section 310-2.1 Definitions in alphabetical order. 3. To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print and deleting the following strikethrough language to Section 310-4.2 Schedule of Use Regulations Attachment 1. • Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw: tbd • Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board and permit granting authority: To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print and delete the following strikethrough language to Section 310-7.6.(D). • Flood Plain Bylaw: To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print and delete the following strikethrough language to Section 310-4.5.E.(1). • Estate Lots: To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print and delete the following strikethrough language to Section 310-5.2.G.(4). • Special Permits: To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print and delete the following strikethrough language to Section 310-7.4.B. • Basic Requirements To see if the Town of Norfolk will vote to amend the Norfolk Zoning Bylaw by adding the following new language in bold print and delete the following strikethrough language to Section 310-5.1.B; or take any action relative thereto. • Town Planner Updates: • Update on Pondville Crossing 40B Project-200 rental units • MAPC update on Norfolk Town Center Zoning Feasibility Analysis • Any other updates • 2025 meeting schedule-Typically 2nd Tuesday of the month-3/11/25, 4/8/25, 5/13/25, 6/10/25, 7/8/25, 8/12/25 • Any unanticipated new business that may come before the Board |
Scheduled By: | the automatic scheduling system |
Posted At: | Jan 15, 2025 5:00 AM EST |
Last Modified: | Feb 05, 2025 12:47 PM EST |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Date | Changes | |
Feb 05, 2025 12:47 PM EST | Agenda | Details... |