Agenda: | Southampton Park Commission Agenda
for January 12, 2022 at 6:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 7597 6788
Passcode: 268388
Dial by your location: 1 (646) 558 8656 US (New York)
• Attendance:
• Review of Minutes of Meeting for November 10, 2021 & December 15. 2021
• Pay Bills: Southampton Water Department ~ $127.96 & Newton Distributing Co. ~ $750.00 both paid on 12/30/2021 and Dan Whitely, Inc. ~ $373.77 to be paid on 1/13/22
• Old Business:
-Update on new signs for Crossroads Park and Labrie Field and discuss cost of a new sign for Conant Park.
-Discussion of PARC grant, design & cost for ADA accessible path & location of splash pad.
-Pickleball Courts, completion in spring 2022.
-Angel statue at Crossroads Park. Western MA Masons preparing a plan for additional pavers & walkway and construction.
-Conant Park and Labrie Field, field use applications and payments. Discussion on updating Playing Field and Facility Permit Policy & user fees. Also, discuss location of fall soccer fields.
-Labrie Field House continue discussion with Bill Canon on construction of field house foundation, septic system, & concrete pads. Irrigation System (install well) and Field Repairs. Additional needs are a parking rail fence, bulletin board & benches and other improvements.
-Master Plan Implementation Committee, Open Space & Recreational Committee, update from Paula or Dan.
-COVID 19 updates and use of COVID funds. Care Act ($3,350.00 available) $1,650.00 paid for new signage. New electric hand dryers have been installed at pavilion.
-New Playground Equipment at Conant Park, request CPA monies for new project.
• New Business:
-Open Time for the Public.
• Next meeting date: |