Agenda: | The topics listed are those that the Chair reasonably expects will be discussed as of the date of this notice. Please be advised that some topics may not be discussed.
A decision to hold the meeting virtually due to inclement weather will be made by 3pm.
(To be used in case of inclement weather only):
Meeting ID: 835 4641 2164
Passcode: vDvm9P
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,83546412164#,,,,*312544# US
+19292056099,,83546412164#,,,,*312544# US (New York)
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I. Call to Order: Kim Schott, Chair
II. Routine Matters:
A. Public Comment
B. Student Report
C. Hampshire Regional Education Association (HREA)
III. New Business:
A. Vote on Withdrawing from NEASC
B. Vote on New York City Field Trip
IV. FY24 Budget
A. Presentations
B. Discussion
C. Final Vote on FY24 Budget
V. Additional New Business
A. Vote on 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
B. Superintendent Midyear Evaluation (Discussion/Update on Goals)
VI. Routine Matters continued
A. Circulation of Warrants
B. Vote to Approve Minutes from 02/06/2023
VII. Executive Session
MGL Ch. 30A, §21A(3): To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares
VIII. Adjourn
Upcoming meetings:
Next Regularly Scheduled Hampshire Regional School Committee Meeting: Monday, April 3, 2023 |