Agenda: | Ad Hoc Sr. Ctr. Feasibility Committee
December 29, 2022
12:00 PM
Call meeting to order
Approval of minutes from 12.15.22
Discussion with property owners/realtor
Noon - 79 Clark St.
12:30 - 89 Clark St.
1:00 - 0 College Hwy
Review action items from 12.15.22 meeting
- A. Pierce – To update the 01DEC2022 minutes and resubmit.
- Abacus will update the Surveymonkey and create a poster for distribution and send to the chairs.
- Abacus - to reach out to the engineering firm and start the data analysis.
- E. Gibson – to reach out to property owners to set up a meeting with the committee.
- Abacus – to continue moving forward generating the report, 3-D images, updated floor plans
etc. for the community meeting.
Discuss Coombs Property. Vote whether to add or not and request SB to send letter.
Review updated layout
Update on survey results and confirm postings
Any items that cannot wait until the next meeting
Schedule next meeting and adjourn
Topic: Ad Hoc Senior Center Feasibility Com 12-29-2022
Time: Dec. 29, 2022 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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