Information for Meeting of Finance Committee
Wednesday March 08, 2023 6:30 PM EST

As of March 1, 2024, Essex no longer posts meetings here. Please see the town website going forward.
Town:Essex, MA 
Board:Finance Committee
Time:Wednesday March 08, 2023 6:30 PM EST
Location:Town Hall - Auditorium (3rd Floor)
30 Martin Street, Essex, MA 01929
The link to the video conference is:, and, if prompted, the on-line meeting ID is bzubricki. Depending on your device and software installed, you may be able to join directly, by web browser, or, you may have to download the application directly (you will be shown that choice when you go to the above link). You should be joined in mute mode. However, if that is not the case, please click on the audio icon to mute your microphone. You can choose to activate your camera to show yourself, or not. The camera should be off, by default, when you join. If you do not have a digital device to join via the link above, you can also dial a telephone number and be directly connected to the meeting, via two-way audio only. The call-in-only number is: (425) 436-6352 and the access code is 1729820.
1. Review and approve minutes from 2/22 FC meeting
2. Review and approve line item transfers
3. Discuss and vote approval of new Finance Committee member Jodi Harris to also serve as a member of the Economic Development Committee
4. Introductory remarks on the Manchester Essex Regional School District fiscal year 2024 and future operating budgets and capital plans, including turf field replacements
5. Presentation from MERSD superintendent and finance director on FY24 budget, enrollment, class sizes, and staffing
6. Q&A/Comments from BOS/FC
7. Public comment
8. Adjourn
Scheduled By:Benjamin Buttrick
Posted At:Mar 03, 2023 5:59 PM EST
Last Modified:Mar 06, 2023 10:51 AM EST
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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