Agenda: | 1. Call to order
3. Open time for public comment
Open Time for the Public
The COA Board reserves a portion of its meetings for public comment and encourages participation as follows:
Open time is a time when town residents can bring matters before COA Board that require a minimum of discussion and are not on the agenda.
Please try to keep your comments short and to the point. Plan on being allowed up to five minutes per person, not per topic, to speak at any meeting under open time, only.
If it appears that the topic(s) being discussed will take longer than the five minutes allocated then, at the discretion of the Chair, the matter will be placed on an upcoming COA Board meeting agenda.
If you believe that your topic will require more time or desire to make a more formal presentation than is allowed under these guidelines, please contact the Town Administrator to ask to be put on a future agenda so that we can properly allocate enough time.
You are free to ask questions or to make your point for all to consider. However, engaging in active debate with COA Board or audience members will not be allowed. All comments and questions must be directed to the Chair of the Board.
All remarks must be respectful and courteous, free of name-calling and personal attacks. Inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
4. Approval of August minutes
6. Finance update report for end of year FY ’23 and ‘24;
7. Director's Report/Outreach Worker Report
Update on vacancies in Senior Center - Program Coordinator; Volunteer Coordinator
Interview support - Susan and Sylvia (Ted starting 9/11)
State Formula Grant changes - based on population from 2020 census; EOEA has informed us that they plan on posting the formula grant amounts to AgeInfo by Friday, September 15th. Access the 2020 census data that is being used to calculate the FY24 formula grant here. Expect number to be $26,810.
8. New/old business
Report from Ted Palmer (written) and Donna Lynn on Open Meeting Law Training
COA Board Policies document review and discussion
Update on the new COA Board Town website (Susan)
Public Safety Building Committee Update (Cindy Palmer)
Friends update (Susan)
Review of Senior Center Building Committee Charge (Janet)
Progress update on Senior Center Building Feasibility Study (Janet)
Select Board Updates (Chris Fowles)
9. Any business that cannot wait until the next meeting
10. Schedule next meeting
11. Adjourn |