Agenda: | COA Board Agenda for June 7, 2023 at 4:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 989 3453 4628
Passcode: 607990
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 989 3453 4628
Passcode: 607990
- Call to order and welcome
- Open time for public comment
- Approval of May minutes
Finance report for end of year FY ’23;
Director's Report
Outreach Worker update
Memory Cafe Update (what to do July - September)- no Program Coordinator starting June 30th.
Review HVES Grant Submitted; review with HVES on June 16th at 10:30; who participates and creates the overview?
June Highlights
Golf Outing - June 9th at Southampton CC
Cultural Trip to Amherst College - June 12th
Crystal Beading (June 14th)
Memory Cafe - June 15th
Volunteer Luncheon - June 16th at the S.r Ctr.
Joan’s Farewell - June 29th at Glendale Ridge Vineyard (3:30)
- New/old business
Friends update (Susan)
COA Director Search Committee update
Potential vacancies in Senior Center in July -
COA Director; Program Coordinator; Volunteer Coordinator; Admin. Asst. - how to cover? Close the first week in July?
Feasibility Study update
Any business that cannot wait until the next meeting
Adjourn |