Agenda: | AGENDA
Petersham Selectboard Meeting
THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2025, at 5:30 PM
Petersham Town Hall, Lower Level
1 South Main Street
1. 5:30 PM Call to Order
2. Questions/Concerns from the Public
3. New Business
o Use of PCS Gym for private exercise class.
o Discuss Culture Council request for information kiosk in town
o Discuss railing installation for Historic Society (town-owned schoolhouse).
o Progress on various grants:
CC-IT grant for website
MassTrail grant for the Bob Marshall Trail
o Review Police Chief contract terms
o Review Budget Schedule, especially
bylaw change articles
SB budget information
o Discuss Town Hall Project Committee
o Discuss Purple Heart proclamation
o Appoint new Sexton for the Cemetery Commission
o Announcements:
Budget input sheet has been uploaded to Google Drive for department input (due Feb 20)
4. Business Permits
5. Correspondence
6. Meeting Minutes
Review Minutes from previous meetings
7. Next meeting
Next regular Selectboard meeting date Thursday, February 13, 2025, 5:30 PM, and at the call of the Chair as needed.
8. Adjourn
note: remote sessions (e.g. Zoom) can be scheduled
upon request no later than noon on the day of the meeting
call the Selectboard 978-724-3353 |