Agenda: | You are invited! to this Public Meeting
Approve minutes of March 24 and April 21 meetings.
Approve payment of the FY23 dues to the Community Preservation Coalition: $300, same as FY22.
Amethyst Brook Apartments project: Update from HCDI or Housing Committee on the application for state funding.
Discussion of Open Space/Recreation project focused on A-P Regional track realignment and upgrade: One citizen commented that this project may not be a useful recreational benefit to the citizens of Pelham.
Proposed Pavilion/PlaygroundProject: Select Board member David Shanabrook proposed a permanent pavilion for outdoor public meetings be built at the Pelham School over the existing basketball court beside the playground; and a PTO Subcommittee is working on a project to upgrade to ADA standards. Application to be made to pay for a feasibility study. Should these projects be combined and other issues.
Update on closure of existing Historic Resources projects from Joe and Tom.
Administrative Assistant for the CPC: Further discussion on the job description.
Short discussion: Should we begin our monthly meetings at 7 pm rather than 6 pm?
Suggestions for future agenda items.
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