Agenda: | 1. Call to order (time)
2. Open time for public comment
3. Approval of minutes
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Director’s Report, including Outreach Services
6. Reports from Program Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator
7. Update on new logo and a possible marketing video initiative
8. Scheduling of initial signage working group meeting (Ted Palmer, Kate DiSanto, Donna Lynn, Dennis Vogel, Janet Cain and Francine Tishman )
9. Update Outreach brochure mass mailing
10. Update on possible new office chair for reception desk.
11. Complaint from a member of the public, FRTA, questioning if the COA is meeting contractual requirements
12. Report of Senior Center Building Committee if available
13. Update from the Friends of the Southampton COA if available
14. Any other business which cannot wait until the next meeting
15. Next scheduled meeting- Wednesday, November 6th, 4 PM
16. Adjournment (time) |