Agenda: | Important Notice: Following the advice of Royalston's Board of Heath, the Royalston Select Board urges all unvaccinated individuals to continue to wear a mask or face covering in indoor, public spaces. Fully-vaccinated individuals (full shot series as well as booster) may use their own discretion regarding mask-wearing.
2. Approval of Minutes
A. 3/29/2022
B. 4/05/2022
3. New Business
A.Facilities use application – Royalston Town Democratic Committee.
Use fee waiver request.
B.Discuss the use restrictions of the former Pete & Henry’s property
purchased by the town in 2021.
C. Discuss snow and ice budget deficit.
D. Review Royalston Farms HCA – Annual reporting and annual inspections.
E. Review/Compare/Act on FY 2023 Town of Royalston Insurance quotes
received by Kimball-Cooke–current insurance provider and MIIA.
4. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
A.Review Capital Planning Committee’s Capital Request Recommendations –
Phil Rabinowitz.
1.Notification of herbicide application for Pan Am Railways, Inc.
2.Notification of Trident Insurance policy deductible increase.
C.MassDEP Sustainable Materials Recovery Program contract for SMRP Grant acceptance
D.Letter from DPW Superintendent, Keith R. Newton
5. Adjournment. |