Agenda: | 1. Call To Order
2. Public Comment Period
3. Minutes of previous meeting(s)
4. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
A.Special Election Date and Time
B.Historic District Commission Public Hearing Notice
5. Dept. Head Reports
6. New Business
A.Planning for Sewer Rate Payers’ Meeting
B.Disposition of Fire Station #1
C.Discuss meeting with legislators re: Raymond Building and King St. Bridge
7. Old Business
A.Conservation Restriction Draft/ideas for Pete and Henry’s lot
8. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
9. Vote to enter Executive Session under MGL c.30A, Sec. 21(a) Reason #1 "to discuss complaints against a public officer." The Board will not reconvene in open session.
9. Adjournment. |