Agenda: | The topics listed are those that the Chair reasonably expects will be discussed as of the date of this notice. Please be advised that some topics may not be discussed.
A decision to hold the meeting virtually due to inclement weather will be made by 3 pm.
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I. Call to Order: Kim Schott, Chair
A. Presentations
B. Discussion
C. Vote on Preliminary FY24 Budget
III. Routine Matters:
A. Public Comment
B. Student Report
C. Hampshire Regional Education Association (HREA)
IV. Ongoing Business:
A. Vote on Additional Member of the Negotiations Subcommittee
B. Appoint Additional Finance Subcommittee Members
C. Vote on Worthington Representative Participation in Executive Session
V. New Business:
Vote on Creating Student Activities Account for the Social Justice Club
Line Item Transfer Request and Vote
VI. Routine Matters continued:
A. Circulation of Warrants
VII. Executive Session:
MGL Ch. 30A, §21A(2): To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations with union and non-union personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with union and non-union personnel.
XI. Adjourn
Upcoming meetings:
Next Regularly Scheduled Hampshire Regional School Committee Meeting: Monday, March 6, 2023 |