Agenda: | Senior Center Building Committee Agenda
January 18, 2024 at 12:15 PM
Call meeting to order.
Open time for the public
Review of Committee Charge
Report of meeting with Town Administrator and Co-Chairs
- Perc test update
- Discuss proposed next steps
Complete Perc Tests
Proceed with appraisal (use of best business practice companies)
Visit senior centers in the area that have been constructed in the last 10-15 years - Westfield, Hadley, South Hadley, Holyoke, Ludlow to understand their process for building and fundraising.
Discuss creating Capital Campaign Committee - process and recruitment; determine how much is reasonable to raise; what large organizations invest in Senior Centers, etc.; interview fundraising companies and work with Friends of SCOA.
Create Article for the Annual Town Meeting Warrant to Acquire the land…after resolving 2a and appraisal
RFQ for architectural firm for design, schematics and construction
Hire independent Owners’ Project Manger
Any item not on the agenda that cannot wait until the next meeting
Schedule next meeting date
Adjourn |