Agenda: | ***UPDATE***
a zoom meetting has been set up for participants not able to attend in person
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Petersham Selectboard Meeting
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2025, at 5:30 PM
Petersham Town Hall, Lower Level
1 South Main Street
1. 5:30 PM Call to Order
2. Questions/Concerns from the Public
3. New Business
o Discuss generator for the Transfer Station (TS)
o Disposal of dysfunctional generator
o Upcoming contract renewal for TS
o Value of a compactor and cost of installing power at TS
o Other recycling options
o Hiring another TS Monitor
o Appoint Alexander Lent as a Historic Resident member and Paul Williams as a Historic Society member of the Historic District. Alexander’s term will expire 6/30/26 and Paul’s will expire 6/30/29
o Review BoS Agenda protocol
o Announcements:
o Community Compact IT Grant application, written by Deb Poodry was submitted Feb 5, 2025. The project goal is to rebuild the Town’s website; the amount requested is $31,500.
o Open Space & Recreation submitted a $13k MassTrails application on Feb 3, 2025 for funding to upgrade/repair the Bob Marshall Trail. The grant includes $4k matching funds which are planned to be satisfied via volunteer labor.
o Sherry Berube completed OSHA reporting training, qualifying for MIIA Reward Credits
4. Business Permits
5. Correspondence
6. Meeting Minutes
Review Minutes from previous meetings
7. Next meeting
Next regular Selectboard meeting date Thursday, February 13, 2025, 5:30 PM, and at the call of the Chair as needed.
8. Adjourn
note: remote sessions (e.g. Zoom) can be scheduled
upon request no later than noon on the day of the meeting
call the Selectboard 978-724-3353 |