Agenda: | 1. Call meeting to order
2. Public comments, if any
3. Approval of Minutes for Monday July 29, 2019
4. Continue to review and work on the General By-Laws:
Francine: BOH (solid waste, recycling), Select Board; Use of Buildings
Luci: PD - Chief Illingsworth will assist us with soliciting, public assembly, and non-criminal ticketing By-Laws
Virginia and Janine: kennels;, wildlife
John: Contact Moderator; General government & Town Meeting; Licensing
Luci and Janine: Add Registrars to Town Meeting
Chris: PPPB
5. Review:
a. changes made to Dog By-Laws as made at the last meeting
b. mandatory recycling By-Law per request of the Board of Health & Highway Superintendent
c. Town Administrator’s Job Description
d. Review By-Law Committee composition and charge of other towns
6. Continue to work on developing an organizational chart of the Town’s government
7. Set date/time for next meeting
8. Adjourn
• Unlawful Noise (new By-Law): It was decided by the committee to move forward in recommending that the Town have some sort of By-Law addressing noise.
• Article V, Treasurer/Collector: Jennifer will research the language used in other towns and her manual, and will report back to us next meeting.
• Re-organize licenses (mentioned in many different areas throughout the existing By-Laws).
• Include Fee/Permit Schedule |