Information for Meeting of Capital Planning Committee
Wednesday March 22, 2017 7:00 PM EDT

NOTE: This meeting was added to this system after the posting deadline or after it occurred. For information on when this meeting was posted, please contact the Town Clerk.
Town:Ashburnham, MA 
Board:Capital Planning Committee
Time:Wednesday March 22, 2017 7:00 PM EDT
Location:Public Safety Building
99 Central St, Ashburnham, MA 01430
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Capital Projects Review
a. FY17 Turnout Gear Projects – review and vote needed for SCBA gear to be
b. Town Projects for FY18
c. School Projects for FY18
3. New Business
4. Public Input
5. Adjourn
Scheduled By:Yao Su
Date Added:Feb 08, 2018 1:57 PM EST
Last Modified:Feb 08, 2018 1:57 PM EST
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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