Information for Meeting of Select Board
Tuesday February 06, 2018 6:30 PM EST

Town:Templeton, MA 
Board:Select Board
Time:Tuesday February 06, 2018 6:30 PM EST
Location:Town Hall
160 Patriots Rd., East Templeton, MA 01438
Conference Room
Templeton Board of Selectmen 
                              Joint Meeting with Phillipston Board of Selectmen
                                  Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton
                                             Tuesday, February 6, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
1.	Call the Meeting to Order

2.	Pledge of Allegiance

3.	Current joint efforts (i.e. Dispatch) and possible expansion to other items;

4.	Possibilities of moving date(s) of election (We want to have our town meeting before we have our town election and are looking to push our TM deeper into May/June to have more time to work on the budget);

5.	Other possible NRSD amendments re: dates for delivery of Draft and Final budget, $5k limit on “repairs” to leased buildings and the like;

6.	Other issues

7.	Adjournment

The listing of Agenda items is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent it is permitted by law.
Scheduled By:Holly Young
Posted At:Feb 01, 2018 11:32 AM EST
Last Modified:Feb 01, 2018 11:32 AM EST
Minutes:Minutes are on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

Minutes of Joint Meeting w Phillipston 2.6.18-Draft.pdf  (download) 150 Kb Mar 19, 2018 12:52 PM EDT