Agenda: | Be advised this meeting will be audio and video taped.
Call Meeting to Order
7:00 p.m. Health Insurance Discussion
Action Items
- Please consider voting and accepting the Conservation Restriction from Massachusetts Audubon Society to the Norfolk Conservation Commission for Gray’s property off Marshall Street.
- Please consider allowing the Ride for Food permission to use Norfolk roads for their fourth annual bicycle Ride for Food. Chief Stone has approved.
- Please consider appointing a Sesquicentennial Committee to plan a celebration of Norfolk turning 150 years old in the year 2020.
Discussion Items
- Review of the draft warrant
- Review of the budget
- Town Hill Memorial
Acceptance of Minutes
- None
Executive Session
- To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigation position of the public body, and the chair so declares. (DPW Contract)
Adjournment |