Agenda: | Town of Norfolk
Community Preservation Committee
Meeting agenda 10/7/2020; 7:30
In accordance with the Governor’s Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, § 20, relating to the 2020 novel Coronavirus outbreak emergency, the October 7, 2020 7:30 pm public meeting of the Norfolk Community Preservation Committee shall be physically closed to the public to avoid group congregation.
Alternative public access to this meeting shall be utilizing the Zoom virtual meeting software for remote access. This software will allow users to view the meeting and send a comment or question to the Chair via the Chat function. Submitted text comments will be read into the record at the appropriate points in the meeting. The Meeting will be recorded for future rebroadcast by Norfolk Community Television. For more information on getting connected and using the video conference features, please visit
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 816 2663 0255
Passcode: DZ4FDp
7:30 Call Meeting to order
7:30 Town Planner Rich McCarthy re: legal questions on Hill St. property; updates on Housing Production Plan and Open Space and Recreation Plan
Metacomet Greenway (rail trail) updates
Warrant article on Pond St. land acquisition: project updates
Next Meeting 11/4 to include public hearing for warrant article |