Agenda: | 1. Call to Order
- Review and accept minutes
2. Commission Changes
-Welcome New Commissioner, Charles Iacono
-Thank you to Todd Lindmark
-Appointments of Chair, Clerk, CPC representative.
3. Sign Vouchers
4. New Town Administrator
5. Fields/facilities
- Dugouts
- Field Work
- Well status
- Banner status
-Concession Stand discussion
- Set Summer Allocation Date
- High School has asked for FK Football field one night a week in the fall for the season.
6. Shade Structure - vote on installation cost
7. Programming Update
-Summer Playground Status
- Norfolk Schools has asked Recreation to help with additional Custodial manpower fees in 2020: $1500
8. Policies and Procedures
-Field Allocation Policy Updates Discussion -possible approval
9. Playground Surfacing
-New material that covers wood fibar that makes 'chipped' playgrounds handicapped accessible. Recommended for both the Town's 'chipped' Playgrounds
10. CPC updates if any
11. Discussion of adding 'Citizens Speak' to Agenda
12. Financials - closing in on the end of the year status
13. Set Next Meeting
14. Adjournment |