Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Town Caucus |
Time: | Tuesday January 26, 2016 7:00 PM EST |
Location: | Norris School 34 Pomeroy Meadow Road SPECIAL TOWN MEETING |
Agenda: | WARRANT SPECIAL TOWN MEETING FISCAL YEAR 2016 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS. TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS TUESDAY, JAN 26, 2016 AT 7:00 PM CAFETERIA/GYMNASIUM WILLIAM E. NORRIS SCHOOL 34 POMEROY MEADOW RD SOUTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS To the Constables of the Town of Southampton, in said County: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Southampton, qualified to vote on Town affairs, to meet at William E. Norris Elementary School, located at 34 Pomeroy Meadow Road, in said Southampton on Tuesday, January 26th of next, at seven in the evening, then and there to act on the following articles: ADMINISTRATIVE ARTICLE 1 PROPERTY ACQUISITION SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire by purchase, gift, eminent domain or otherwise, on such terms and conditions as the Board of Selectmen shall determine, temporary easements on the parcels of land shown on plans entitled “William E. Norris School Route 10 College Highway SRTS Project,” dated December 28, 2015, prepared by TEC, Inc., said plans on file with the Town Clerk, and such property interests within 50 feet of said easements, for public way purposes, including, but not limited to, the construction, alteration, maintenance, improvement, repair and/or replacement of rights of way, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, parking areas, utilities and/or traffic control devices, to be undertaken in connection with a Safe Routes To School project at the William E. Norris School, located at the intersection of Route 10 and College Highway, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to grant such easements in the William E. Norris School and other Town property shown on said plans as may be required under said project, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into all agreements and take all related actions necessary or appropriate to carry out said acquisitions, or take any other action related thereto. Note: See Attachment A. This is needed in order to allow the Board of Selectmen to pursue temporary construction easements to build the Sidewalk on Route 10 for the Safe Routes to School Project. Funds, if any needed, for acquisition will be taken from Chapter 90 funds. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 2 ACCEPTANCE OF MGL C 44§ 53F ¾ PEG ACCESS FUND To see if the Town to vote to accept the provisions of M.G.L. c 44 SS 53F ¾ to authorize the town to establish in the treasury a separate revenue account to be known as the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund, into which may be deposited funds received in connection with a franchise agreement between a cable operator and the municipality. Monies in the fund shall only be appropriated for cable-related purposes consistent with the franchise agreement, including, but not limited to: (i) support of public, educational or governmental access cable television services; (ii) monitor compliance of the cable operator with the franchise agreement; or (iii) prepare for renewal of the franchise license; or take any other action related thereto. Note: See Attachment B. This is a housekeeping matter which allows the Town to have a separate revenue account for Community TV, which we have already set-up and have been using for a period of time. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen FISCAL YEAR FY-16 OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS PART I. CPC NOTE: The Current Balances for Community Preservation Funds are as follows: Undesignated (Funds available) : $1,119,576 ARTICLE 3 TRANSFER/UNDESIGNATED RESERVED CONANT PARK ROOF To see if the Town will vote to transfer the amount of $16,000 to fund the Conant Park Pavilion Roof, said sums shall be taken from the Community Preservation Surcharges-Undesignated Account; or take any action related thereto. Note: CPC Article. Balance of Undesignated Reserve is $1,119,576 Sponsor: Community Preservation PART II. FY16 BUDGET LINE-ITEM TRANSFERS SECTION A. VARIOUS LINE-ITEMS NOTE: Balances are as follows: Police Chief Incentive: $13,481.73 Building Clerical: 2,480.00 Vocational Tuition: 55,000.00 (Approx) ARTICLE 4 TRANSFER/POLICE CHIEF INCENTIVE POLICE CHIEF SALARY To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $13,481.73 to Police Chief Salary, said sums shall be taken from Police Chief Incentive; or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: Beginning with the Interim Police Chief’s Contract, the police chief incentive is included in the Salary line and is no longer needed as an independent line item. Sponsor: Town Accountant ARTICLE 5 TRANSFER/BUILDING CLERICAL WAGES E-PERMITTING To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $2000 to fund an E-permitting System for the Building Department, said sums shall be taken from Building Clerical Wages; or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: This will allow for an e-permitting system in the Building Department. Current balance of unused Building Clerical account is $2,480. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen/Town Administrator ARTICLE 6 TRANSFER/VOCATION TUITION LINE ITEM COLA NORRIS SCHOOL To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $30,000 to the Elementary School Line Item; said sums shall be taken from Vocational Tuition, or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: This will cover 1% of the 2% COLA. Teachers’ totals at $ 53,834 and Paraprofessionals’ total at $ 7,596. Sponsor: Norris School Committee SECTION B. GAS & ELECTRIC LARRABEE TRANSFERS NOTE: Balances is as follows: Gas and Electric-Larrabee: $8,000.00 ARTICLE 7 TRANSFER/ GAS AND ELECTRIC-LARRABEE LARRABEE BLD EXPENSES To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $5000 to the Larrabee Hall Building Expenses account, said sums shall be taken from Gas and Electric-Larrabee account; or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: There continue to be unexpected costs for the Town Hall (Larrabee Building). Including, but not limited to, the cost of the Bay State re-inspection of the Elevator and Simplex Grinnell’s inspection for the wet system. Sponsor: Town Administrator ARTICLE 8 TRANSFER/GAS AND ELECTRIC-LARRABEE FINANCE COMMITTEE RESERVE To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $2,500.00 to the Finance Committee Reserve Fund item line, said sums shall be taken from the Gas and Electric-Larrabee account; or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: This will reinstate FinCom for an earlier transfer. According to Division of Local Services (DOR), MGL Chapter 40, Sec 6 was cited and it appears that funds can be transferred into the Reserve Fund. Sponsor: Finance Committee SECTION C. GAS & ELECTRIC TOWN HALL TRANSFERS NOTE: Balances is as follows: Gas and Electric-Town Hall: $9,000.00 ARTICLE 9 TRANSFER/GAS AND ELECTRIC-TOWN HALL POLICE DEPARTMENT GARAGE DOOR To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $5000 to fund the modification of the Town Hall Police Station building to change the entry way to the Booking room in order to comply with Department of Public Health requirements, said sums shall be taken from the Gas and Electric-Town Hall; or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: As noted in our most recent inspection, this modification will bring the Police Station into compliance with the State Department of Public Health’s requirement for a separate entrance for arrestees and visitors. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen/Police Chief SECTION D. OPERATING STABLIZATION TRANSFER NOTE: Balances is as follows: Operating Stabilization: $218,061 ARTICLE 10 TRANSFER/OPERATING STABILIZATION POLICE DEPARTMENT WAGES To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $10,000 to the Police Department Wage item line, said sums shall be taken from the Operating Stabilization; or take any action related thereto. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: See Attachment C. Concern of over spending budget. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen/Police Chief PART III. FY15 FREE CASH TRANSFERS SECTION A. FREE CASH POLICY TRANSFERS NOTE: Balances is as follows: Free Cash FY15: 222,104 ARTICLE 11 TRANSFER/FREE CASH FY15 CAPITAL STABILIZATION To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $77,736 to Capital Stabilization, said sums shall be taken from FY15 Free Cash, or take any action related thereto. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: Capital Stabilization, 35% of Free Cash transferred in consistency with Free Policy adopted by the BOS. Balance to date is $48,943. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen/Town Administrator ARTICLE 12 TRANSFER/FREE CASH FY15 OPERATING STABILIZATION To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $66,631 to Operating Stabilization, said sums shall be taken from FY15 Free Cash, or take any action related thereto. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: Operating Stabilization, 30% of Free Cash transferred in consistency with Free Policy adopted by the BOS. Balance to date is $218,061. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen/Town Administrator ARTICLE 13 TRANSFER/FREE CASH FY15 OPEB To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $22,210 to OPEB Liability Trust, said sums shall be taken from FY15 Free Cash. Requires 2/3rds Vote Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB), 10% of Free Cash transferred in consistency with Free Policy adopted by the BOS. Balance to date is $52,629. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen/Town Administrator SECTION B. UNDESIGNATED FREE CASH TRANSFERS NOTE: Balances is as follows, conditional upon approval of prior articles: Undesignated Free Cash FY15: $55,526 ARTICLE 14 TRANSFER/FREE CASH FY15 BOARD OF HEALTH WAGES To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $3,700 to the Board of Health Wage item line, said sums shall be taken from Free Cash FY15; or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Not Recommended Note: Requested to increase wages for BOH. Current FY16 $35,182; Current Balance 46%, $18,963.36. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen/Board of Health ARTICLE 15 TRANSFER/FREE CASH FY15 COLA UNION/NON-UNION To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town’s FY16 omnibus budget in the manner and amounts reflected in the attached revised FY2016 omnibus budget and to transfer from Free Cash the sum of $33,400.41 necessary to fund the changes as reflected in said FY2016 Omnibus Budget, or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended Note: See Attachment D. This article will fund a 2% COLA for Union and Non-Union Employees. This article includes the funding for the first year for the following Union Agreements: 1. International Brotherhood of Police Officers, Local 604; 2. Southampton Emergency Telecommunication Dispatchers; and 3. Local 98 of the International Union of Operating Engineers. Sponsor: Board of Selectmen FISCAL YEAR FY-17 ARTICLE 16 PROPOSITION 2 ½ / 2ND SHIFT ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT (FY17) PROP 2 ½ FIRE/EMS DEPT To see if the Town to vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $135,000, to supplement the Fire Department’s Advanced Life Support Ambulance Service to add a 2nd shift for Fiscal Year 2017, contingent upon the passage of a Proposition 2 ½ so-called override, pursuant to a Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 59, Section 21C, or take any action related thereto. Finance Committee Recommendation: Recommended. Sponsor: Fire Chief INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at six usual places in said Town, fourteen days at least, before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands this 7th day of January in the year two thousand and sixteen. BOARD OF SELECTMEN _______________________ ELIZABETH MOULTON _______________________ JOHN MARTIN _______________________ SHANNON CUTLER _______________________ JACQUELINE SEARS ______________________ CHARLES KANIECKI A True Attest Copy Attest:_____________________ Constable |
Scheduled By: | Lucille Dalton |
Posted At: | Dec 07, 2015 10:59 AM EST |
Last Modified: | Jan 11, 2016 11:59 AM EST |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Selectboard | Norris School Library | 6:00 PM | Details... |
Finance Committee | Norris School Cafeteria/gymnasium | 6:00 PM | Details... |
Date | Changes | |
Jan 11, 2016 11:59 AM EST | Agenda | Details... |