Information for Meeting of Community Preservation
Wednesday December 08, 2021 5:30 PM EST

Town:Southampton, MA 
Board:Community Preservation
Time:Wednesday December 08, 2021 5:30 PM EST
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Meeting ID: 835 3476 5430
Passcode: 521198

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Meeting ID: 835 3476 5430
Passcode: 521198

1. Call to order
2. Minutes of previous Meeting
3. Discussion of PARC Grant article and vote. See attached Article
4. Reports from Open Space Committee and Housing Authority
5. Other
Conant PARC Grant Article: To see if the Town will vote to (a) transfer the care, custody and control of Conant Park, described in a deed recorded with the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 1296, Page 37, from the Select Board to the Park Commission for recreation, park and playground purposes under the provisions of G.L. c. 45, §3, in perpetuity; (b) appropriate the sum of $192,500.00 from the Community Preservation Act undesignated fund account for the cost of installing a walking path and splash pad and any costs incidental or related thereto, provided, however, that no funds shall be expended until the Town has received a grant commitment in the amount of $100,000.00 under the PARC Grant Program (301 CMR 5.00), a reimbursement grant, which funds shall be returned to the Community Preservation Act undesignated fund; and (c) authorize the Select Board, the Park Commission, the Town Administrator, or their designee, to apply for and accept on behalf of the Town funds granted under the PARC Grant Program and/or any other funds, gifts, grants, under any federal and/or other state program in any way connected with the scope of this this article, and enter into all agreements and execute any and all instruments as may be necessary or convenient to effectuate the foregoing project, including the conveyance of a perpetual conservation restriction in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 184 as required by Section 12(a) of Chapter 44B as may be necessary on behalf of the Town of Southampton; or take any other action relative thereto.
Scheduled By:Janet Brown
Posted At:Nov 30, 2021 10:38 PM EST
Last Modified:Jan 21, 2022 10:30 PM EST
Minutes:Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office
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Minutes and Associated Documents

_CPA 12.8.1.docx  (download) 27 Kb Jan 21, 2022 10:29 PM EST