Agenda: | 1. Call meeting to order
2. Open time for public input
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Ongoing Business
- Ken Comia, PVPC, on HPP
- Targeted SHA membership recruitment - welcome to CP who accepted invitation to observe
- F/U on member’s targeting potential members from town residential listing
- Sierra: Update from proposers of affordable housing units in new development; status on CPC funding of -Consultant (Richard Harris) for bylaw updates
- Jim: Report on Open Space presentation (collaborate w/OS to include housing)
- Housing Trust creation - next steps (Joy?)
5. Other Items not on the agenda
6. Schedule Next Meeting
7. Adjourn
Topic: Housing Authority Mtg. 02-07-2022
Time: Feb 7, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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