Agenda: | Finance Committee
Date Monday, July 9, 2018
Time 6:00 PM
Town Hall 210 college Highway, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
1. Call meeting to order
2. Public Comment
3. Review Department Requests, if any
4. Review Personnel Requisition Forms
a. Assistant to the Town Administrator
b. Transfer Station Attendant
c. Senior Technician/Circulation Librarian
d. Substitute
5. Review Personnel Change Forms
a. Steven Dudek Emergency Highway Transfer Station Attendant
b. Steven Dudek Temporary Highway Transfer Station Attendant
c. Eric Larson Part-time Auxiliary Police Officer
d. James Murphy Emergency Auxiliary Police Officer
e. Joan Linnehan COA Director
f. Carol Goulet Library Senior Library Technician Resignation
g. Johanna Douglass Library Youth Librarian & Assistant to Director
h. Barbara Goldin Library Director
6. Old Business:
a. FY 2018 Revenue and Expense
7. New Business:
a. FY 2018 Departmental Transfer Requests (two sets)
b. Special Town Meeting Articles
i. Purchase of 111 Glendale Road Right of First Refusal
ii. Transfer Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Peg Programming to pay Easthampton Media for 4th Qtr. FY 2018 ($16,935.45)
iii. Five Year Lease Term Communications Dispatch Radio Equipment, Police department for Police, Fire, Ambulance and Highway dispatch.
c. Special Town Meeting, July 26, 2018
8. Liaison reports
9. Any other necessary business that cannot wait until the next regular meeting
10. Schedule next regular meeting
11. Adjourn meeting. |