Agenda: | Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 6492 6690
Passcode: 01364
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Meeting ID: 823 6492 6690
Passcode: 01364
1. Open Meeting
2. Open time for the public
3. Review and approve Minutes of October 20, 2020 and November 19, 2020 Meetings.
4. Presentation by Tiffany Menard on Orange Community Development's application to the Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund to help fund a new roof for the armory building. Vote upon requested action to be taken by the Historical Commission.
5. Review and discussion on the Historical Commission's role and procedures regarding review and comment on Town of Orange Planning Applications for special permits which may impact historic sites. Action – vote to create and appoint a reviewer should something need review prior to a Historical Commission meeting.
6. Follow up discussion on community education and support for Historic Preservation and Local Historic District. Review of tasks and updates by commission members.
7. New Business
8. Vote to Adjourn - Next meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2021 at 3pm via Zoom |