Select Board Office Town Hall, 13 On the Common Royalston MA 01368
1. Call to Order
2. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting(s).
3. Acknowledgements, announcements, correspondence.
4. Department Head Reports
5. 7:30 pm. Pole Hearing
a. Verizon No. 4A0AF2H - North Fitzwilliam Road.
b. NGRID No. 16952798-6 Athol-Richmond Road.
5. Old Business:
a. Town Facilities Use and Alcohol SOP's.
6. New Business:
a. Peterson Dairy--30-day trailer permit
7. Any other item(s) not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to such meeting.
8. Signing of Treasury Warrants
9. Adjournment
Scheduled By:
the automatic scheduling system
Posted At:
Sep 02, 2015 6:00 AM EDT
Last Modified:
Sep 11, 2015 10:40 AM EDT
are not on record
with the Town Clerk's office