Agenda: | Virtual Zoom Meeting
Please note that due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak and due to Governor Baker’s Order that Town Hall is closed to the public in regards to public meetings of the Southampton Housing Authority unless otherwise postponed or cancelled. Otherwise they will livestream Southampton Housing Authority meetings via Zoom on the internet. In person attendance and Public Comment at Southampton Housing Authority Meetings will be suspended until further notice.
To Watch on Computer/Tablet or phone
Go to
Hit “Join a meeting” in top right of screen
Type in Meeting ID: 915-5438-3805
Password: 459113
Hit “Join”
Please be sure to mute your device when joining in
Note: to join in video meeting with cell phone you will need to down load the zoom app from the app store.
Call in Telephone #646-558-8656
1. Zoom disclosures (Recording)
2. Call Meerting to Order
3. Welcome to viewers/residents/guests - input?
4. Welcome to new member: Brian Steele
5. Recap of current status:
-.Members approval of Minutes from previous meeting.
- Past and present Minutes posted on website
- Consultation with:
- Chris Lee (Tiny Houses)
- Amherst HA
- Board collectively realizes challenge in logistics and financial management of active Housing Authority
6. Next Steps considering COVID limitations:
- CARES Act funding for town resident rental/mortgage? assistance
- Planning Board collaboration:
-By-law update, RE: development size contingency
-Overlay District potential
- Further exploration?
-Senior Housing:
-Westhampton Woods
-Goshen site
-Further PVPC Consultation
-Tiny Houses
7. Next meeting date/time
8. Adjourn meeting |