Agenda: | In accordance with the Governor’s Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, § 20, relating to the 2020 novel Coronavirus outbreak emergency, the February 2, 2021, 5:45 PM public meeting of the Norfolk Select Board shall be physically closed to the public to avoid group congregation.
Alternative public access to this meeting shall be done via Zoom online video conferencing. This application will allow users to view the meeting and provide comments during allocated windows as outlined in the Board’s Public Comment Policy. To join, follow the web link or call the dial-in number listed below under the start time/Call to Order. The meeting will be recorded for future rebroadcast by Norfolk Community Television. For more information on getting connected and using the video conference features, please visit
5:45 p.m. Call Meeting to Order
Zoom Meeting Link:
Zoom Meeting Call-In: 1-929-205-6099 (Meeting ID 3560716045)
Alternative to Zoom - NCTV live stream of all Town meetings on their YouTube Channel Link:
Executive Session
A. Executive Session with the Zoning Board of Appeals pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(3) to discuss litigation entitled Thomas E and Leslie J. Hoffmeister v. Town of Norfolk Zoning Board of Appeals, et al., Land Court Docket No. 20 MISC 000180 (HPS), insofar as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigation position of the public body
B. Executive session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a)(2) to hear a grievance from the Norfolk Highway Department Employees Local 301 AFL-CIO-CLC
C. Executive session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss collective bargaining with both the Norfolk Highway Department Employees and Norfolk Municipal Clerical Employees both represented by Local 301 AFL-CIO-CLC, insofar as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigation position of the public body
D. Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a)(7) to review and approve Executive Session Minutes
1. COVID-19 Updates
2. Public Comment
3. Presentation of the MIIA 2021 Risk Management Award to the Town of Norfolk for outstanding work in the area of Facilities Management
Action Items
4. Please consider approval of street sign replacements throughout Norfolk
5. Please consider reauthorization of an Intermunicipal Agreement with the SERSG Services Group
6. Please consider donating a Old Town Hall parking sticker to Norfolk Community Television for a fundraising auction to support the station
Discussion Items
7. Please discuss a presentation by the School & Facilities Departments on future capital needs
8. Please discuss a presentation regarding the use of rotaries in Norfolk
9. Please discuss a “Citizen of the Year” Award
10. Please discuss website posting of Board correspondence
11. Town Administrator Updates
Report of Warrants
12. The following warrants have been signed:
• 01/15/2021 14P21 & 14PS21 $796,608.92
• 01/19/2021 29VS21 $52,161.72
• 01/19/2021 29V21 $216,443.12
• 01/26/2021 30V21 $115,516.36
Approve Minutes
13. Please consider approval of the minutes
Any other unanticipated business that may come before the Board
Adjournment |