As of March 1, 2024, Essex no longer posts meetings here. Please see the town website going forward. | |
Town: | Essex, MA |
Board: | Board of Selectmen |
Time: | Monday June 06, 2016 7:00 PM EDT |
Location: | Essex Senior Center - Second Floor 17 Pickering Street, Essex, MA 01929 |
Agenda: | Selectmen’s Meeting June 6, 2016 Senior Center AGENDA 7:00 p.m. Public Comment. 7:05 p.m. Police Chief Peter Silva to propose changes in Police Department position descriptions (Chief of Police, Sergeant, Detectives, Patrol Officer, Accreditation Manager, Harbormaster, Prosecutor, and Police Secretary) to the Selectmen, discharging the duties of Personnel Board; and to introduce Michael Juliano, Special Police Officer, and request that he be promoted to Reserve Police Officer. 7:15 p.m. Brian Feener and Scott Woodward regarding a possible appointment to a single seat for a three-year term on the Board of Public Works. 7:30 p.m. Barry O’Brien, Essex Representative to Cape Ann Regional Cable Advisory Committee to discuss ongoing contract renewal process. 7:45 p.m. Robert Doane to discuss a possible appointment to the Shellfish Advisory Commission. Brendhan Zubricki: Presentation of his Town Administrator’s Report for the period May 21st through June 3rd, 2016, regarding the following: • Investigation of IP/Cloud-based Phone System for Town Hall/Library • Change Order Proposals, 30 Martin Street - Structural Work, Conduit, Panel Relocation • Review of Fire Sprinkler System Design by Construction Subcontractor • Further Development of Proposal for Northern Conomo Point Improvements • Contract for Repointing and Crack Sealing at Stone Pier, Conomo Point • Conservation Commission Hearing, Demolition of 5 Southern Ave. Garage • Meeting with Engineering Firm Relative to Thin-Layer Deposition • CZM Community Coastal Resiliency Grant Application • Letter of Support for Town of Newbury CZM Grant Application • Downtown Parking Study Kickoff Meeting and Stakeholder Interviews Other Business: Approve the weekly warrant in the amount of $. Vote to exempt from Section 20 of Chapter 268A of the General Laws, the contracts and amounts for the individuals listed below contained within the warrant dated June 2, 2016 pursuant to subsection (d) of said Section. NAME VENDOR DATE AMOUNT DEPT’S BILL James McNeilly McNeilly’s EMS 5/18/16 $217.50 Fire Consider the use of the Town Events fund to cover the cost of the band for Essex River Day. Approve the minutes for the Selectmen’s May 23, 2016, Open Meeting and Executive Session. Vote to reorganize the Board. Discussion regarding parking along the Museum side of the Town Landing on week-ends and holidays. Ratify the approval of two Grant applications for Underage Alcohol Enforcement and Pedestrian’s Bicycle Safety and authorization of the Police Chief as signatory on each. Vote to approve the acceptance of a donation in the amount of $500 to the Police Gift Account from the EPBA. Consider a request from Police Chief Silva to carry over 80 hours of vacation time to FY2017. Approve a 33B transfer request in the amount of $75.10 from Registrars Stipends to Registrar’s Printing. Approve a request from the 1st Presbyterian Church of Ipswich to rent the Grove on Sunday, July 31, 2016, between the hours of 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. Vote to proclaim Tuesday, July 26, 2016 as Spirit of the 26th Anniversary of the Americans with Disability Act. Sign the proclamation. Vote to sign the citation honoring Vincent and Barbara Caravella of the Scrapbook as Essex Small Business Persons of the Year. Conomo Point Matters: • Vote to approve, sign, and send Offers of Sale for the following properties to the current tenants of the said properties: • Seasonal Properties: GOMES 108 018 025 Robbins Island Rd RETTBERG 108 004 030 Robbins Island Rd CALDER 108 005 034 Robbins Island Rd DENTON 108 006 034 A Robbins Island Rd MACDOUGALL 108 007 036 Robbins Island Rd CLARKP 108 009 038 Robbins Island Rd CUTTER 108 010 040 Robbins Island Rd PRATT2 108 016 041 Robbins Island Rd SACHSSE 108 012 044 Robbins Island Rd • Year-Round Properties that will revert to Seasonal-Only when transferred by the initial purchaser: ROMANO 108 017 029 Robbins Island Rd RYAN 108 014 046 Robbins Island Rd • Year-Round Properties that will revert to Seasonal-Only when transferred by the initial purchaser with an easement to maintain a well on land of the Town: RIGGS 108 011 042 Robbins Island Rd Items that could not be reasonably anticipated by the Open Meeting Law posting deadline. Licensing Board: Flea Market License (ratification of Town Administrator’s signature): • John Schimoler, for use on Sunday, May 29, 2016 within the confines of 75 Eastern Avenue One-Day Entertainment License and Waiver of Fee: • Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce, Ken Riehl, for use on Saturday, June 18, 2016, between the hours of 4:00 and 9:30 p.m. within the confines of Memorial Park for Essex River Day. One-Day Wine & Malt License and Waiver of Fee: • Chebacco Liquor Mart, Jack Chisholm, for use on Saturday, June 18, 2016, between the hours of 3:00 and 9:00 p.m. within the confines of Memorial Park for Essex River Day. One-Day Wine & Malt License: • Woodman’s Inc., Joan Houghton, for use on Saturday, June 25, 2016, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 10:00 p.m., within the confines of 125 R Main Street. Non-Resident Recreational Clamming Permit and Waiver of Filing Deadline: • Mark Kenney, Rockport, MA, sponsored by Michael Galli Executive Session Expected: Discussion of pending litigation concerning the case of the City of Beverly vs. the Essex County Sheriff, et al., Essex Superior Court C.A. No. ESCV2015-00350A. Discussion of pending litigation concerning the case of the Town of Essex v. William Allen, Essex Superior Court C.A. Nos. ESCV2002-00352, ESCV2006-00313, and ESCV2007-02096. REMINDER: Small Business Persons of the Year Reception at Periwinkles on Thursday, June 9, 2016, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Presentation of the Citation to Vincent and Barbara Caravella. REMINDER: The next regular Board of Selectmen’s meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 21st, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in a faculty room at the Essex Elementary School on Story Street. |
Scheduled By: | Pam Witham |
Posted At: | Jun 02, 2016 10:52 AM EDT |
Last Modified: | Jun 02, 2016 10:52 AM EDT |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |