Agenda: | Be advised this meeting will be audio and video taped.
Call Meeting to Order
- Katy Riley, Farmers Market
- Ray Goff, LIP
Action Items
- Please consider approving the August 6th event for Run and Gun Ranch based upon the results of the Accoustic test.
- Please consider setting the fee for a parking permit at the Old Town Hall.
- Please consider approving the IMA with Metacomet Emergency Communications Center.
- Please consider awarding the contract for Equipment Rental 2016-2017 for the DPW to R. Kadesh Excavation, 200 Norfolk Street, Walpole, MA per the attached information.
- Please consider awarding the contract for Leachate Removal Services for FY2017, 2018, and 2019 to Waste Water Services, Inc. of Bridgewater, MA at $0.089 per gallon.
- Please consider approving a Block Party on Day Street for Saturday, September 10th from 1 p.m. to approximately 9 p.m., with a portion of Day Street closed from #2 to #6 Day Street. Rain date will be Saturday, September 24th.
- Please consider appointing Linda Elsmore, 54 Hillcrest Village to the Board of Registrars, term to expire 6/30/19, per request of the Democratic Town Committee.
- Please consider appointing Anthony Turi as Records Access Officer, term to expire 6/30/17.
- Please consider appointing Anne Marie Battistone as Norfolk County Advisory Board alternate member, term to expire 6/30/17.
Discussion Items
- Goals and Liaisons
- Town Administrator Update
- Southwood Discussion
- June 28, 2016, regular session