Agenda: | Be advised this meeting will be audio and video taped.
Call Meeting to Order
7:00 p.m. Joint Pole Hearing; River Road
- Bisher Hashem and Ray Goff – LIP, 25 Rockwood Road
Action Items
- Please consider review of the PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) for personal property between Norfolk Solar, LLC and Town of Norfolk for property at 42 Pine Street, Norfolk.
- Please consider approving the Lease of Space on Sharon Ave Water Tank to Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for a lease term of five years as follows: Year One: $36,000; Year Two: $37,080; Year Three: $38,192.40; Year Four: $39,338.17; Year Five: $40,518.32, for a total five years of $191,128.89.
- Please consider opening discussion for Public Comment on Water rates, including Solid Waste and Cemetery rates, for a period of 120 days. The deadline for comments is Wednesday, December 21, 2016.
- Please consider approving a new Directional Sign for CableLan Products, Inc., 8 Sherwood Drive.
- Please consider approving a 5k race hosted by St. Jude’s Parents Group for October 29, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., per the attached route. This has been discussed and approved by Chief Stone.
- Please consider approving the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library to use the DPW from Wednesday, April 19 through Saturday, April 22, 2017 for the annual book and bake sale.
- Please consider appointing Patricia Saint Aubin to the Norfolk County Advisory Board, term to expire 6/30/17.
- Please consider appointing Sandra Smith to the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust, term to expire 6/30/18.
- Please consider appointing John Weddleton as Conservation Commission representative to the Zoning Working Committee, term to expire 12/31/17.
- Please consider appointing the election workers for the Town for a term expiring July 31, 2017 per the attached list from the Town Clerk.
Discussion Items
- Town Administrator Update
- Southwood Discussion
- Warrant Articles – review submitted and potential BOS articles
- July 26, 2016, regular session; and August 11, 2016, regular session