Agenda: | 1. Call to Order
2. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting(s)
3. Acknowledgements, announcements, correspondence
a. Letter – Village School re: Internet access
b. Letter from resident re: speeding issues
c. NQVSD FY19 Assessment and Benefits letter
d. Invoice – Marble Urn
4. Department Head Reports
a. Fire Dept. – Keith Newton re: mutual aid
5. Old Business
6. New Business
a. Truck purchases agreement
b. Chap 90 Reimbursement signing
c. Musco hold harmless agreement
d. ARRSD special assessment
e. Green Communities: individual grants
e. Expanded Employee Benefits policy
f. Harassment Prevention Policy
7. Any other item(s) not reasonably
anticipated 48 hours prior to such
8. Executive Session: Contract negotiations
9. Adjournment |