Note: All agenda items are listed in the order in which they may be discussed. Because the Planning Board may vote to take items out of order the night of the meeting, it is advisable for attendees to arrive at the start of the meeting.
7:00 Meeting Commences
7:01 Discuss next steps in finalizing the Subdivision Regulation Update and scheduling of a Public Hearing.
7:15 Discussion of Solar Bylaw application and fee structure.
7:30 Review Planning Board Policies and Procedures to update Peer Review Consultant listing and Planning Board Fees.
7:45 Discuss status of draft/pending Medical Marijuana Bylaw and next steps to move this draft to a final condition.
8:00 Meeting close
Scheduled By:
the automatic scheduling system
Posted At:
Jan 07, 2015 9:14 AM EST
Last Modified:
Feb 02, 2015 10:43 AM EST
are not on record
with the Town Clerk's office