Please note that due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak and due to Governor Baker’s Order that Town Hall is closed to the public in regards to public meetings of the Housing Authority unless otherwise postponed or cancelled.
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Go to
o Hit “Join a meeting” in top right of screen
o Type in Meeting ID: 899 4832 4646
o Password: 639104
o Hit “Join”
o Please be sure to mute your device when joining in
1. Call meeting to order
2. Approval of March minutes
3. Open time for the Public
4. Guest: Tiny House presentation - Chris Lee
5. Old/New Business - Easthampton HA discussion on Local Preference education:Review of town maps - town-owned property inventory
6. Review any communication received
7. Any items that cannot wait until the next meeting.
8. Schedule next meeting
9. Adjourn |