Town: | Southampton, MA |
Board: | Town Caucus |
Time: | Tuesday January 24, 2017 7:00 PM EST |
Location: | Norris School 34 Pomeroy Meadow Road SPECIAL TOWN MEETING |
Agenda: | TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT Tuesday, January 24, 2017 7:00 P.M. CAFETERIA/GYMNASIUM WILLIAM E. NORRIS SCHOOL 34 POMEROY MEADOW ROAD SOUTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 HEALTH DEPT AMENDMENT TO THE NON-CRIMINAL DISPOSITION BY-LAW 2 ARTICLE 2 GREEN COMMUNITY SOLAR BY-LAW AMENDMENTS 3 ARTICLE 3 RETROACTIVE COMPENSATION FOR POLICE OFFICERS 5 ARTICLE 4 PRIOR YEAR UNPAID BILL FOR TELEPHONE LINE 5 ARTICLE 5 PRIOR YEAR UNPAID BILL FOR THE SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM 6 ARTICLE 6 TRANSFER OF FREE CASH TO THE CAPITAL STABILIZATION FUND 6 ARTICLE 7 TRANSFER OF FREE CASH TO THE STABILIZATION FUND 6 ARTICLE 8 TRANSFER OF FREE CASH TO THE OPEB FUND 7 ARTICLE 9 SIGNAGE AT THE SZCZYPTA FARM CONSERVATION AREA 7 ARTICLE 10 FUNDING FOR TOWN ADMINISTRATOR SEARCH 8 ARTICLE 11 PRIOR YEAR LEGAL BILLS 8 ARTICLE 12 PURCHASE OF A COPIER/FAX/SCANNER FOR THE ACCOUNTING OFFICE 8 ARTICLE 13 TRANSFER OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO THE TREE WARDEN 9 ARTICLE 14 ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR POLICE OVERTIME 9 ARTICLE 15 ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR POLICE BUILDING EXPENSES 9 ARTICLE 16 TRANSFER FROM FREE CASH TO FUND POLICE CHIEF COLA FOR FY 2016 10 ARTICLE 17 TRANSFER TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH BUDGET 10 ARTICLE 18 TRANSFER FOR EDWARDS LIBRARY HVAC SYSTEM 10 ARTICLE 19 TRANSFER TO THE TAX TITLE ACCOUNT 11 ARTICLE 20 TRANSFER FOR THE PURCHASE OF DEFIBRILLATORS 11 ARTICLE 21 TRANSFER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TURNOUT GEAR FOR THE FIRE DEPT. 11 ARTICLE 22 TRAFFIC SAFETY ASSESSMENT FOR THE NORRIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 12 ARTICLE 23 ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ADMIN. ASSISTANT 12 ARTICLE 24 REMOVAL OF GASOLINE STORAGE TANK AT THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 12 ARTICLE 25 RETURN FUNDS TO THE STABILIZATION 13 ARTICLE 26 STRAW POLL REGARDING PLOWING OF PRIVATE ROADS 13 ARTICLE 27 LAPTOP COMPUTERS FOR THE WILLIAM E. NORRIS SCHOOL 14 ARTICLE 28 WOOD CHIPPER FOR THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14 ARTICLE 29 FIRE DEPARTMENT BRUSH TRUCK 14 ARTICLE 30 REPLACEMENT OF WATER MAINS . 15 TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON WARRANT FOR SPECIAL TOWN MEETING JANUARY 24, 2017 HAMPSHIRE, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Southampton in said County: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the precincts of the Town of Southampton, County of Hampshire, quali-fied to vote in elections and Town affairs to meet in the Cafeteria/Gymnasium, William E. Norris School, 34 Pomeroy Meadow Road, Southampton, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., then and there to act on the following articles: PART 1. GENERAL BY-LAWS ARTICLE 1 HEALTH DEPT AMENDMENT TO THE NON-CRIMINAL DISPOSITION BY-LAW To see if the Town will vote to amend the Non-Criminal Disposition by-law to include enforce-ment of Trash Hauler and Recycling Operational Regulations and Title V Septic System Inspec-tion Regulations, so that the Non-Criminal Disposition by-law shall read: Sec. 1 Whoever violates any provision of these by-laws, the violation of which is subject to a specific penalty, may be penalized by a Non-Criminal Disposition as provided in MGL c.40, § 21D. The Non-Criminal method of Disposition may also be used for violation of any rule or regulation of any municipal officer, Board or Department which is subject to a specific penalty. Sec. 2 Without intending to limit the generality of the foregoing, it is the intention of this article that the following By-laws and regulations are to be included within the scope of this article, that the specific penalties as listed here shall apply in such cases, that in addition to police officers who shall in all cases be considered enforcing persons for the purpose of this article, the municipal personnel listed for each section, if any, shall also be enforcing persons for such section, and that each day on which any viola-tion exists shall be deemed to be a separate offense. Bylaws Penalty Regulations Board of Health Tobacco Control As stated in the Regulations Board of Health Trash Hauler and Recycling Operational Regulations As stated in the Regulations Board of Health Title V Septic As stated in the Regulations System Inspection Regulations As stated in the Regulations Or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: This article amends the Non-Criminal Disposition By-Law to include Trash Hauler and Recycling Operational Regulations and Title V Septic System Inspection Reg-ulations under the non-criminal ticketing program. Enforcement would be through the Health Department. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to amend the Non-Criminal Disposition By-Law, as reflected in this Warrant, to include enforcement by the Health Department of Trash Hauler and Recycling Operational Regulations and Title V Septic System Inspection Reg-ulations through the non-criminal ticketing program. Simple ma-jority PART 2. ZONING BY-LAWS ARTICLE 2 GREEN COMMUNITY SOLAR BY-LAW AMENDMENTS To see if the Town will vote to amend SECTION V, USE REGULATIONS, TABLE 1. USE REGULTIONS of the Zoning By-Law by adding the following to “Wholesale, Transportation and Industrial”: Principal Uses Residential Commercial Industrial R-R R-N R-V C-V C-H I-P 15.Roof Mounted Solar Electric Generating Fa-cility P P P P P P 16.Small Scale (16kW or less) DC Solar Electric Generating Facility P P - - P P 17.Medium Scale (greater than16kW to 250kW) DC Solar Electric Generating Facility SPB SPB - - P P 18.Intermediate Scale (greater than 250kW to 500kW) DC Solar Electric Generating Facility SPB SPB - - SPB P 19.Large Scale (greater than 500KW) Solar Electric Generating Facility SPB SPB - - SPB P And further, to amend SECTION XVI - SOLAR ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITIES - Sections G. and H. in the following manner: G. Site Plan Review (SPR) is required for all: • Small Scale (16kW or less) DC Solar Electric Generating Facilities. H. Site Plan Approval (SPA) is required for all: • Medium Scale (greater than16kW to 250kW) DC Solar Electric Generating Facili-ties • Intermediate Scale (greater than 250kW to 500kW) DC Solar Electric Generating Facilities • Large Scale (greater than 500KW) Solar Electric Generating Facilities; Or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: This amendment permits Intermediate and Large Scale solar generating facilities (250+kw) “By-Right” (requiring Site Plan Approval) in the I-P Zoning District. Specifically, • Roof Mounted Solar Electric Generating Facilities are still permitted By-Right in all Districts with no Site Plan Review/Approval • Small Scale (16kW or less) DC Solar Electric Generating Facilities are still permitted by By-Right but require Site Plan Review in the specified Districts. • Medium Scale (greater than16kW to 250kW) Solar Electric Generating Facilities are still permitted By-Right or by Special Permit (Planning Board) with Site Plan Approv-al in the specified Districts. • Intermediate Scale (greater than 250kW to 500kW) and Large Scale (greater than 500KW) Solar Electric Generating Facilities are still require a Special Permit (Plan-ning Board) in the R-R, R-N and C-H districts and By-Right in the I-P district but still require Site Plan Approval. Research, development and manufacturing facilities of products that generate re-newable or alternative energy are not permitted. MOTION: Moved that the Town approve SECTION V, USE REGULATIONS, TABLE 1. USE REGU-LATIONS and SECTION XVI - SOLAR ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITIES - Sections G. and H. as presented in Article 3 of the Warrant for the January 24, 2017 Special Town Meeting. 2/3rds majority PART 3. FINANCIAL ITEMS ARTICLE 3 RETROACTIVE COMPENSATION FOR POLICE OFFICERS To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $14,200.81 to fund retroactive compensation as part of the new Southampton Police Collective Bargaining Agreement; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The last Police Collective Bargaining Agreement expired at the end of Fiscal 2015 (June 30, 2015). A new Police Collective Bargaining Agreement was ratified in December 2016. The new agreement includes retroactive compensation for Fiscal 2016. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer the sum of $14,200.81 to the Prior Year Bills account to fund retroactive compensation as part of the December 2016 Police Collective Bargaining Agreement, said sum to be taken from Free Cash. 9/10ths ma-jority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 4 PRIOR YEAR UNPAID BILL FOR TELEPHONE LINE To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $419.86 to pay a bill from Verizon from Fiscal 2016; said sum shall be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Town Administrator’s office received a bill from Verizon in December 2016 that included $419.86 from the prior fiscal year. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $419.86 from Free Cash to the Prior Year Bills account to pay a Verizon bill from Fiscal 2016. 9/10ths majori-ty Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 5 PRIOR YEAR UNPAID BILL FOR THE SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $13,574.91 to the school lunch program, to pay for an unfunded deficit from Fiscal 2016; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: In addition to funding the school lunch program, this account was used to pay for lunch monitors. There were insufficient funds to cover both costs. Additional funding will be included in the Fiscal 2018 school operating budget. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $13,574.91 from Free Cash to the Prior Year Bills ac-count to fund the deficit in the Fiscal 2016 school lunch program. 9/10ths majori-ty Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 6 TRANSFER OF FREE CASH TO THE CAPITAL STABILIZATION FUND To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $173,943.00 to the Capital Stabilization Fund; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: Town policy is to utilize 35% of annually certified Free Cash to fund the Capital Budget. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer the sum of $173, 943.00 from Free Cash to the Capi-tal Stabilization Fund. Simple major-ity Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 7 TRANSFER OF FREE CASH TO THE OPERATING STABILIZATION FUND To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $149,094.00 to the Operating Stabilization Fund; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: Town policy is to transfer 30% of annually certified Free Cash to the Operating Stabilization Fund. The Operating Stabilization Fund is the Town’s “rainy day fund.” A two-thirds vote of Town Meeting is required to spend monies deposited into the Operating Stabiliza-tion Fund. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer the sum of $149,094.00 from Free Cash to the Oper-ating Stabilization Fund. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 8 TRANSFER OF FREE CASH TO THE OPEB FUND To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $49,689 to the Other Post-Employment Bene-fits (OPEB) account; said sum to be taken from Free Cash. SUMMARY: Town policy is to transfer at least 10% of annually certified Free Cash to the OPEB account. All communities in the United States are now required to carry the projected cost of “other post-employment benefits,” primarily health insurance, on their balance sheets. The OPEB account was established to provide a funding mechanism to cover these future benefits for retired employees. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $49,689 from Free Cash to the Other Post-Employment Benefits account of the Town. Sim-ple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 9 SIGNAGE AT THE SZCZYPTA FARM CONSERVATION AREA To see if the Town will vote to amend the vote taken under Article 8 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on October 18, 2016 which read: “To see if the Town will vote to transfer the amount of $1,000.00 to fund a wildlife interpre-tative sign in memory of Edward Nied, Jr. to be placed at the Szczypta Farm Conservation Area, featuring wildlife photographs taken by the late Edward Nied, Jr., said sums to be tak-en from the Community Preservation Open Space/Recreation Account “; as follows: “To see if the town will vote to transfer the amount of $1,000.00 to fund a wildlife interpre-tative sign in memory of Edward Nied, Jr., to be placed at the Szczypta Farm Conservation Area, featuring photographs of local wildlife, said sums to be taken from the Community Preservation Open Space/Recreation Account.” SUMMARY: Photos taken by the late Edward Nied, Jr. are not available, so the substitute ar-ticle authorizes a wildlife interpretive sign at the Szczypta Farm using photographs of local wildlife. No changes are being made to the funding source and no new appropriation is be-ing sought. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to amend its prior vote taken under Article 8 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on October 18, 2016, as presented, regarding photo-graphs for the interpretative sign at the Szczypta Farm Conservation Area. Simple ma-jority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 10 FUNDING FOR TOWN ADMINISTRATOR SEARCH To see if the Town will vote to transfer $5,000 to the Board of Selectmen Expense line for the purpose of retaining a consultant to assist the Screening Committee in recruiting a permanent Town Administrator; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or to take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: It is standard for the Board of Selectmen to retain professional assistance to re-view candidate qualifications, do background checks and contact references for candidates for Town Administrator. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $5,000 from Free Cash to the Board of Selectmen line for a Town Administrator Search for the hiring of a professional consultant to assist with the hiring process for a permanent Town Administrator. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 11 PRIOR YEAR LEGAL BILLS To see if the Town will transfer $6,500 to the Prior Year Bills account to cover additional legal expenses for Fiscal 2016, said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or to take any other action rela-tive thereto. SUMMARY: It is always difficult to estimate the cost for legal services during any fiscal year. Additional funds were needed in Fiscal 2016. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to transfer $6,500 from Free Cash to the Prior Year Bills account to cover a shortfall in Fiscal 2016. 9/10ths ma-jority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 12 PURCHASE OF A COPIER/FAX/SCANNER FOR THE ACCOUNTING OFFICE To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $4,000 to the Accountant Expense line for the purchase of a new copier/fax/scanner; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: Currently, the 12-year-old copier in the Accountant’s Office is inoperable, and there are no parts available for repair. The office cannot function properly without a copier. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $4,000 from Free Cash to the Accountant Expense line to fund the purchase of a new copier/fax/scanner. Simple ma-jority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 13 TRANSFER OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO THE TREE WARDEN To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $2,500 to the Tree Warden Expense line to take down dangerous trees and tree limbs in Town; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Tree Warden requires additional funds to take down trees and prune tree limbs that pose a hazard. Three persons were killed in Massachusetts from falling tree limbs in 2016. In Southampton, a tree fell and seriously damaged a house on Hillside Meadow Road last year. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $2,500 from Free Cash to the Tree Warden Expense line to fund additional tree cutting during Fiscal 2017. Simple Majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 14 ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR POLICE OVERTIME To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $35,000 from Police Wages to the Police Overtime Wage line; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: This transfer will cover an anticipated deficit in the Police Overtime line during the remainder of the fiscal year. For tracking purposes, Police Overtime was given a separate line in the Fiscal 2017 budget for the first time. Overtime expenses have increased because two police officers are on sick leave, and the Department has lost an officer to another town. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer the sum of $35,000 from Police Wages to the Police Overtime line. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 15 ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR POLICE BUILDING EXPENSES To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $6,000 to the Police Building Expense line, for needed utility expense for remainder of fiscal year; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: There have been higher than anticipated utility expenses during the current fiscal year. Repair of the air conditioning system and the generator have depleted funds available for purchase of electricity and gas. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to transfer $6,000 from Free Cash to the Police Building Expense line Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 16 TRANSFER FROM FREE CASH TO FUND POLICE CHIEF COLA FOR FY 2016 To see if the Town will vote to transfer $1,246.32 from Free Cash to the Wages account of the Chief of Police to fund a retroactive cost-of-living increase (FY 2016) for the Chief of Police. SUMMARY: The Chief of Police was the only employee in the Town organization who did not receive a cost-of-living allowance during Fiscal 2016. This article will correct the oversight. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $1,246.32 from Free Cash to Wages account of the Chief of Police to fund a cost-of-living increase for the Chief of Police. Simple majori-ty Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 17 TRANSFER TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH BUDGET To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $10,000 to the Health Department Supple-mental Wage line to provide for additional hours for the Health Director and Health Agent dur-ing Fiscal 2017; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Health Director is currently employed for 21 hours; the Health Agent is em-ployed for 10 hours. The volume of work in the Department now exceeds the allotted hours for the Health Agent and Director. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer the sum of $10,000 from Free Cash to the Health De-partment Supplemental Wage line to fund additional hours for the Health Director and Health Agent during Fiscal 2017. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 18 TRANSFER FOR EDWARDS LIBRARY HVAC SYSTEM To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $9,382 to the Edwards Library Expense line to fund upgrades to the HVAC system, said sum to be taken from Free Cash. SUMMARY: This is another step in the program to upgrade basic systems at the Edwards Public Library. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer the sum of $9,382 from Free Cash to upgrade the HVAC system at the Edwards Library. Simple major-ity Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 19 TRANSFER TO THE TAX TITLE ACCOUNT To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $3,000 to the Tax Title Account for expenses related to pursuing tax title properties; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Treasurer/Collector is actively pursuing foreclosure of tax delinquent proper-ties. Additional funds are required to continue the effort. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $3,000 from Free Cash to the Tax Title account of the Treasurer/Collector. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 20 TRANSFER FOR THE PURCHASE OF DEFIBRILLATORS To see if the Town will vote to transfer $4,300 to the Fire Department Expense line for the pur-chase of defibrillators to be shared by the Fire and Police Departments; said sum to be taken from Free Cash. SUMMARY: These funds will replace 5 defibrillators for the Fire and Police Departments. Pads and other parts are no longer available for the old defibrillators. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to transfer $4,300 from Free Cash to the Fire Department Expense line for the purchase of five defibrillators for the Police and Fire Departments. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 21 TRANSFER FOR THE PURCHASE OF TURNOUT GEAR FOR THE FIRE DEPT. To see if the Town will vote to transfer $9,000 to the Fire Department Expense line for the pur-chase of Firefighter equipment known as “turnout gear”; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: Periodically, the Fire Department is required to replace the equipment worn by Firefighters known as “turnout gear.” This article will fund the orderly and regular replace-ment of gear that has exceeded its useful life. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $9,000 from Free Cash to the Fire Department Ex-pense line for the purchase of Firefighter equipment. Simple ma-jority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 22 TRAFFIC SAFETY ASSESSMENT FOR THE NORRIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL To see if the Town will vote to transfer $5,000 to the Highway Department Expense account to fund a traffic safety assessment for the Norris Elementary School; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Highway Department, the Police Department and Norris School Administration are concerned about traffic safety before and after the school day. This transfer will fund a professional study of traffic safety and produce recommendations. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to transfer $5,000 from Free Cash to the Highway De-partment Expense line to fund a traffic safety assessment for the Norris School. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: NO ARTICLE 23 ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ADMIN. ASSIS-TANT To see if the Town will vote to transfer $4,360.20 from the Highway Department Expenses line to the Highway Department Administrative Wage line to fund 10 additional hours per week for the Administrative Assistant; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Administrative Assistant currently works 20 hours per week. The Highway Su-perintendent is requesting 10 additional hours of administrative support to assist with four ma-jor projects that the Department will undertake in the spring. The additional administrative support will not be continued in Fiscal 2018. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $4,360.20 from the Highway Department Expenses line to the Highway Department Administrative Wage line to fund 10 additional hours of admin-istrative support for the Highway Department. Simple ma-jority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 24 REMOVAL OF GASOLINE STORAGE TANK AT THE HIGHWAY DEPART-MENT To see if the Town will vote to transfer $30,000 to the Highway Department Expense line to fund the removal or stabilization of a gasoline storage tank as required by the state Depart-ment of Environmental Protection, said sum to be transferred from the Operating Stabilization Fund; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: Recently, the Town was denied insurance coverage for this 4,000-gallon tank and DEP has mandated that it be removed to avoid sanctions. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer $30,000 from the Operational Stabilization Fund for the removal or stabilization of a gasoline storage tank at the Highway Department. 2/3rds majority Finance Committee Recommendation: ARTICLE 25 RETURN FUNDS TO THE STABILIZATION To see if the Town will vote to return $3,200 to the Operating Stabilization Fund; said sum to be taken from Free Cash; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Town transferred $3,200 from the Operating Stabilization Fund for a salary increase for the Police Chief with the understanding that these funds would be returned to the Operating Stabilization Fund when Free Cash was certified. MOTION: Moved that $3,200 be transferred from Free Cash to the Operating Stabilization Fund of the Town. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 26 STRAW POLL REGARDING PLOWING OF PRIVATE ROADS To see if the Town Meeting will approve of a ballot question at the Town Election in May 2017 on adoption of state enabling legislation to permit plowing of snow on private roads to ensure access for emergency vehicles. SUMMARY: M.G.L. Chapter 40, Sec. 6c is state enabling legislation that permits cities and towns to appropriate funds for removal of snow and ice from private ways open to public use in the interests of public safety and access by emergency vehicles. The service is limited to re-moval of snow and ice; no repairs of private ways are permitted. The enabling statute must be accepted by the voters at the annual town election following peti-tion by 200 registered voters. This article asks for the sense of the Town Meeting regarding putting a question on the ballot at the annual Town election in May on acceptance of M.G.L. Chapter 40, Sec. 6c. MOTION: Moved that the Town Meeting approves putting a question on the ballot at the an-nual Town election on acceptance of M.G.L, Chapter 40, Sec. 6c to enable the Town to remove snow and ice on private ways open to public use in the interests of public safety. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES PART 4. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ARTICLE 27 LAPTOP COMPUTERS FOR THE WILLIAM E. NORRIS SCHOOL To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $80,000 to the Norris School Expense line for the purchase of laptop computers; said sum to be transferred from the Capital Stabilization Fund; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Commonwealth is now requiring that standardized tests for students be taken on computers. These laptop computers will be used for testing and for other educational uses in the classroom. The total cost of equipping students with laptops will be $160,000 over two years. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to transfer $80,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to fund the purchase of laptop computers at the William E. Norris School. 2/3rds majori-ty Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 28 WOOD CHIPPER FOR THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $46,000 for the purchase of a wood chipper for the Highway Department; said sums to be transferred from the Operating Stabilization Fund; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The existing wood chipper is 24 years old and has reached the end of its useful life. MOTION: Moved that the Town vote to transfer $46,000 from the Operating Stabilization Fund to the Highway Department Expense line for the purchase of a wood chipper truck. 2/3rds majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES ARTICLE 29 FIRE DEPARTMENT BRUSH TRUCK To see if the Town will vote to transfer $88,620 for the purchase of a brush truck for the Fire Department; said sum to be transferred from the Capital Stabilization Fund; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The existing Fire Department brush truck is a 1984 Army surplus model which has reached the end of its useful life. MOTION: Moved that the Town transfer the sum of $88,620 to fund the purchase of a brush truck for the Fire Department, said sum to be transferred from the Capital Stabilization Fund. 2/3rds majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES PART 5. WATER ENTERPRISE FUND ARTICLE 30 REPLACEMENT OF WATER MAINS To see if the Town will vote to transfer funds from the Water Enterprise Retained Earnings ac-count for the replacement of water mains and other related work along College Highway in as-sociation with the Safe Routes to School sidewalk installation project; or take any other action relative thereto. SUMMARY: The Safe Routes to School sidewalk installation will require relocation and recon-struction of a pumping station. MOTION: Moved that the sum of $100,000 be transferred from the Water Enterprise Retained Earnings account to pay the cost construction of water system improvements along College Highway in association with the Safe Routes to School side walk project. Simple majority Finance Committee Recommendation: YES And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting attested copies thereof in six usual plac-es in said Town, fourteen (14) days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of the Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands this 5th day of January in the year Two Thousand and Seventeen. BOARD OF SELECTMEN ___________________________ Charlie Kaniecki ___________________________ James Labrie ___________________________ John Martin ___________________________ Jacqueline Sears ___________________________ Shannon Cutler True Copy: ATTEST: _______________ Constable OFFICER’S RETURN Hampshire, SS January 6, 2014 This is to certify that I have served the within warrant by posting attested copies thereof in six usual places (14) days at least before the time of holding said meeting. _________________________ Constable A True Copy, ATTEST: Janine Domina Town Clerk of Southampton |
Scheduled By: | Lucille Dalton |
Posted At: | Dec 21, 2016 11:36 AM EST |
Last Modified: | Jan 09, 2017 12:22 PM EST |
Minutes: | Minutes are not on record with the Town Clerk's office |
Selectboard | Norris School School Library | 6:00 PM | Details... |
Finance Committee | Norris School | 6:00 PM | Details... |
Date | Changes | |
Dec 21, 2016 11:37 AM EST | Location | Details... |
Jan 09, 2017 12:22 PM EST | Agenda | Details... |