Agenda: | Note: All agenda items are listed in the order in which they may be discussed. Because the Planning Board may vote to take items out of order the night of the meeting, it is advisable for attendees to arrive at the start of the meeting.
7:00 Meeting Commences at Town Hall First Floor
7:01 Review of Solar Generating Facility Application - 46 Fomer Road
7:15 Griffin, Lot #10, 1 Nicholas Lane – Building Permit Review
7:25 Wedemyer & Alistta, Lot #1, 2 Nicholas Lane – Building Permit Review
7:35 Discussion - Sergey Gokhalter-Discussion about adding second floor to existing residence
7:45 Review of Planning Board Policies and Procedures. Discussion on inclusion of Consultant Fees, specifically PVPC to facilitate Subdivision process. Discussion on Solar Installation application fees
8:00 General items. (minutes, emails invoice approvals, warrants / bills, committee reports)
8:15 Meeting close |