Agenda: | Note: All agenda items are listed in the order in which they may be discussed. The Planning Board may vote to take items out of order the night of the meeting, therefore it is advisable for attendees to arrive at the start of the meeting.
7:00 Meeting Commences at Town Hall, First Floor
7:01 Continuation of Solar Facility Installation Application Review - Peter Nabut: 46 Fomer Road
7:20 Mark Reed, Pleasant Meadow Estates: Discussion of Fencing around Retention Basins
7:30 Tracy Burke - Bobcat Hollow: Discussion regarding Street Acceptance Procedure
7:35 Building Permit Review: 71 Pequot Road, Mark Mason
7:45 Review of Southampton Planning Board Policies and Procedures: Fee Structure.
8:00 General items. (minutes, emails invoice approvals, warrants / bills, committee reports)
8:15 Meeting close |