Agenda: | Southampton Park Commission Agenda for August 26, 2020 at 6:00pm
At Conant Park Pavilion, East Street
(weather permitting)
• Attendance:
• Review of Minutes of Meetings January 8th, March 11th and July 22nd
• Pay Bills:
Eversource ~ $30.00 and $12.93 both paid on 8/13/2020
Manchester Hardware, pavilion supplies ~ $67.49 to be paid on 8/27/2020
• Old Business:
1. Angel statue at Crossroads Park, no updates on new pavers. Need to discuss walkway, landscaping design and construction. Estimate from Western MA Masons.
2. Conant Park and Labrie Field, field use applications and payments.
3. Labrie Field House continue discussion on next steps to keep project within budget, Irrigation System and Field Repairs. Additional needs are: a parking rail fence, bulletin board & benches and other improvements.
4. Update on delivery on new sign for Crossroads Park and Labrie Field, 29 Strong Road address. $6,000.00 for signs from CPA funds. Cost of signs is $7,400.00.
5. Master Plan Implementation Committee.
6. Open Space & Recreational Committee, update from Paula.
7. New Pickleball Courts at Conant Park, pending Town Meeting.
8. Labrie Field, scheduling of SYAA, Hampshire United and Easthampton Friends of Football Association using the fields.
9. COVID 19 update & Park Property openings.
• New Business
1. Open Time for the Public
Next meeting date: |