Agenda: | 1. Call To Order
2. New Business
a. Discussion – Monty Tech 9-19-18 letter re: appointment of school committee rep.
b. Signing of Police Dept. vehicle lease agreement
c. Signing of agreement re: negotiation of solar array PILOT
c. Review of liquor license application; review of signs General Bylaw re: Select Board as enforcement agent
d. Discussion of reimbursement for Country Fair materials
e. Discussion of tree at 10 N. Fitzwilliam Rd.
f. Schedule joint SB/CPDC meeting
3. Minutes of previous meeting(s)
4. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
a. Certification of Free Cash announcement - $113,890
5. Dept. Head Reports
6. Old Business
7. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
8. Adjournment |