Agenda: | Posted 1/11/2021; 12:45 PM
Re-Posted (Agenda Items Added) 1/12/2020; 10:50 AM
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Thursday, January 14, 2021
6:30 PM General Session
Due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak, the Hampshire Regional School District is closed to the public. In accordance with guidance from the Governor’s office, we are providing a call in number for public access.
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Meeting ID: 880 3265 6545
Passcode: 730652
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Meeting ID: 880 3265 6545
Passcode: 730652
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I. Call to Order - Margaret Larson, Chair
II. Public Comment
III. Announcements
IV. Business Items
A. Proposal to change FY22 accounting for central office benefits costs
B. Modification of school schedule to meet new student learning time requirement
C. Consideration of change to learning model in response to pandemic conditions
V. Adjourn |