Agenda: | OSRC Agenda – January 23, 2020
1. Call to order
2. Welcome guests, public comments
3. Minutes of past meeting
4. Old Business
a. Welcome new members.
b. Prioritizing lands for conservation
c. Report on becoming a regular town committee -
d. Report on the creation of a Southampton Friends of Open Space
e. Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant - update
f. Open Space and Recreation Plan – update
g. Hendrick Land donation
h. Other lands
i. Pollinator space
j. Other old business
5. New Business
a. Zone changes expected to be on STM Warrant:
College Highway – Eugene Labrie Land
College Highway – Land owned by DD developer south of restaurant
b. MassTrails Grant application
c. Other new business
6. Any other business that cannot wait until a future meeting
7. Next meeting
8. Adjournment |