Agenda: | Important Notice: Following the Governor's reopening plan, effective May 29, 2021, this meeting will be conducted in person with public in attendance. All fully vaccinated persons may attend without a mask or maintaining social distance. Unvaccinated persons are expected to wear a mask and continue social distancing from non-household members.
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of previous meeting(s)
3. Acknowledgements, Announcements, Correspondence
A. Sedgewick Claims Management – Claim file for loss of freezer at Athol High School due to power surge during lightning storm.
B. Letter for Massachusetts municipalities to participate in the National Opioid Settlement.
4. Dept. Head Reports
A. DPW – Keith Newton – Chapter 90 paper work for projects on NE Fitzwilliam Rd. and Neale Rd.
B. Appointments –
• Sebastian Velez, Conservation Commission
• John Chicoine – Firefighter/Rescue
5. New Business
A. Kevin Paicos of NFP Corporate Services– PowerPoint presentation on joining North Central Purchasing Group consisting of the Town’s of Templeton, Townsend and Dunstable, to purchase employee health insurance.
B. Curtis Deveneau, Police Chief – Update on the Police Reform Act. Curtis will discuss the effects of the on the Police Department and to the Town moving forward.
6. Old Business
A. Discussion of policy for use of MART transportation and vote on signing agreement with MART.
7. Signing of Treasury Warrants (if applicable)
8. Any other item/issue not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to this meeting.
9. Adjournment. |