Agenda: | Topic: COA Board Meeting Zoom Meeting, November 3, 2021
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Meeting ID: 989 3453 4628
Passcode: 607990
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 989 3453 4628
Passcode: 607990
Call meeting to order
Open time for the public
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer's report
Update from COA Director-
Update on CARES Fund spending (to expire December 31st)
Updates on SFG
Memory Cafe
Review of our first Memory Cafe - what was good, what did we learn? Tracking of expenses for the program
Plan for November, December and Janusry Memory Cafes - who is our guest and how are we spreading the word?
Update on the open position at the Center - meeting was held to discuss; next steps
Friends update
New/Old Business
Update on the donation to the COA by a Southampton resident
Feedback from Board on future meetings
Mass in Motion - Select Board Liaison
Any other business that cannot wait until the next meeting.
Schedule next meeting and adjourn |